Broken Prefabs

How the Check Works

The CheckBrokenPrefabs is designed to identify prefabs in your project that are missing, but still referenced within a scene or another prefab.

Why is this important

  • Prefab Asset Validation: To ensure that all prefab references within your scenes or other prefabs are valid and not missing.

How to fix this error

This happens in your project when a prefab file has been deleted but is still referenced in your scenes or elsewhere. There are basically three ways to go about this:

  • Try to recover the prefab: this might be possible if you’re using version control software like git, or find the file for the missing prefab somewhere on your disk. Note that the GUID in the *.meta-file of the prefab needs to match the old one.
  • Remove the reference from your scene: simple remove the broken object from your hierarchy.
  • Try to rewire to a new prefab: this is a bit hacky. Sometimes, the GUIDs in the meta files can chage (for example if there was an error in version control regarding your meta files). In this case, you could edit the meta file or a prefab to another GUID. This is only recommended if you really know what you’re doing!
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