Broken Unity Events

How the Check Works

The CheckBrokenUnityEvents is designed to identify and flag Unity events that were set up but no longer appear to work, often due to missing references. The check performs the following steps:

  1. Event Discovery: It identifies Unity events within each component attached to a GameObject.
  2. Event Validation: For each discovered event, it checks if the event is valid by verifying the presence of the target object and the associated method.
  3. Issue Reporting: If an event is found to be invalid, it logs an issue indicating the type of Unity event and the GameObject where it resides.

Why to Use This Check

  • Event Verification: To ensure that Unity events within your GameObjects are functioning correctly, preventing issues arising from missing references or non-existent methods.

How to fix errors like this

In most cases, this will be a missing reference within your scenes. Sometimes this also happens when renaming functions in scripts that are attached via Unity events in the inspector. We recommend not using Unity events like this, but assigning them via code.

There is no automatic fix for this error. You can get rid of it by clearing the Unity event or reassigning it its correct values.

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