
ClickUp integration has been added in the 1.1 update of our package.

🔑 API Token

We use the personal API token system by ClickUp to authenticate. To get your API token, follow these steps:

  • Log in to your ClickUp account
  • Go to your account settings and navigate to the apps section.
  • If there is a token displayed, copy it. Otherwise you can generate one.

✍️ Input in Unity

After obtaining your API token, you need to input these details into Unity. ClickUp is structed so that we need to select a team, space, folder (optional), and list for your reports to be sent to.

  1. In Unity, select the BugTrackingManager GameObject.
  2. Scroll down to the “Where to send it?” Section
  3. Select “ClickUp”
  4. In the Inspector window, you will see a field “API Token”. Enter your token here.
  5. Load your teams and select one.
  6. Load your spaces and select one.
  7. If the list you want to save your reports to is in a folder, select the option and select a folder.
  8. Select the list you want to save your reports to.
  9. Create a Test Report – you’re all set!
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