
🎣 WebHook

To obtain your Discord webhook, follow these steps:

  1. Open Discord and navigate to the server where you want to integrate the webhook.
  2. Create or choose a Server Channel for the Feedback and Bug Reports.
  3. Click on the Settings Icon
  4. Go to the “Integrations” tab.
  5. Click on the “Webhooks” section
  6. Select “Create Webhook” and give your webhook a name. Optionally, you can also set an image for the webhook.
  7. Copy the URL of your newly created webhook as you will need it to use in your code or application.

✍️ Input in Unity

After obtaining your WebHook URL, paste it into the Webhook URL Input Field and create a Test Report. Done! From now on, with every feedback or bug report, a Discord message will be posted in the selected channel with the information selected in the Bug Report Manager.

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