
Note: GitHub does not support uploading attachments via API, which is why no screenshot will be sent (we are working on a workaround like uploading the images to another service first). Try to use fine grained access tokens. If you use a personal access token, make sure it has the repo scope. Note that these credentials will be included in builds, maybe remove them for release builds.

Repo Owner: Please insert the name of the owner of the repository here.

Repo Name: Please insert the name of the repository itself here.

🔒 API-Token

To get an API token:

  1. Log in to GitHub and go to Tokens (classic).
  2. Generate a new token with appropriate permissions and copy it securely.

For a fine-grained token (recommended):

  1. Register your application in your Settings at Fine-grained tokens
  2. Generate a new token with with appropriate permissions and copy it securely.

Attention: It is recommended to create a token here that has access only to the specific repository. Additionally, under Permissions, only read and write access to issues should be allowed.

✍️ Input in Unity

After obtaining your API-Token, you need to input these details into Unity.

  1. In Unity, select the BugTrackingManager GameObject.
  2. Scroll down to the “Where to send it?” Section
  3. Select “GitHub”
  4. In the Inspector window, you will see fields for “Repo Owner”, “Repo Name” and “API-Token”.
  5. Enter your details into the respective fields.
  6. Create a Test Report
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