
🎣 Webhook

To get your Webhook, follow these steps:

  • Sign in to your Slack account.
  • Go your Webhook Settings
  • Choose the Slack channel where you want to send messages from the webhook.
  • Click on ‘Add Incoming WebHooks Integration’.
  • Copy the webhook URL displayed.
  • Click on ‘Save Settings’.

🆔 OAuth Token

Getting the token

  • First, log in to your Slack account.
  • Go to your App-Settings and click on “Create New App”.
  • Enter a name for your app and select the Slack workspace where you want to use the app, then click on “Create App”.
  • Navigate to the “OAuth & Permissions” section in the left sidebar.
  • Scroll down to the “Scopes” section, add necessary OAuth scopes to request the desired permissions. We’ll need these scopes:
    • chat:write
    • channel:join
    • files:write
  • Navigate back to the “Basic Information” tab and click on the green button “Install to Workspace” at the top of the page.
  • You will be prompted to review and approve the permissions for your app. Click on “Allow”.
  • After clicking “Allow”, you will be redirected. Navigate back to the “OAuth & Permissions” tab, and your new Bot OAuth token will be displayed in the “OAuth Tokens for Your Workspace” section.
  • Once you test-send a report in Unity, the bot will automatically attempt to join the channel.

Getting the channel ID

  • in Slack, right click on the channel you want to post to. Select “Channel details”
  • On the bottom of the page, in small and greyed out, you’ll see the Channel ID displayed.

✍️ Input in Unity

After obtaining your Webhook URL or OAuth Token, you need to input these details into Unity.

  1. In Unity, select the BugTrackingManager GameObject.
  2. Scroll down to the “Where to send it?” Section
  3. Select “Slack”
  4. In the Inspector window, you will see fields for “Webhook” and “OAuth Token”.
  5. Enter your Webhook URL or OAuth Token into the respective fields.
  6. Create a Test Report
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