Invalid Transform Position

How the Check Works

The CheckInvalidTransformPosition inspects the transform position of the GameObject. It checks for invalid transform positions, which may indicate issues with the positioning of objects. Specifically, it looks for positions with NaN (Not-a-Number) values.

When to Use This Check

  • Quality Assurance: To identify and address potential issues with object positioning, such as NaN values in transform positions.

How to fix errors like this

Invalid transforms can cause all sort of trouble, because the floating point precision of the coordinates is no longer given or the coordinates are not readable at all. Try moving the object closer to the center of the coordinate system and splitting up your game area into smaller chunks. We offer automatic fixes like moving the object to the origin position.

For a non-uniform scale, make sure your object and its parents have scales that are equal in all dimensions. This can cause trouble if your objects are children of other objects, causing weird behaviour. This can be wanted, which is why non-uniform scale detection is turned off by default.

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