Valid Scenes In Build

How the Check Works

This check examines the scenes listed in your project’s build settings. It iterates through the scene list, checking whether each scene’s file path is valid and points to an existing scene file. If it encounters a scene that is either missing or invalid, it logs it as an issue, indicating that the scene needs attention.

When to Use This Check

  • Scene Management Integrity: Ensure that your scene management remains robust by verifying that scenes referenced in the build settings are valid and present.
  • Prevent Build Errors: Catch missing or invalid scenes before building your project to avoid build errors related to non-existent scenes.
  • Maintain Project Health: Keep your project free from unresolved or invalid scene references, contributing to a healthier and more reliable project.

How to fix errors like this

If a scene is not in your build settings but you use it for gameplay, you will run into trouble when building the game or playing the game build. Make sure to add all the scenes you’re actually using to the build settings. Also, your build settings should not contain missing scenes.

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