Missing Scripts

How the Check Works

This check examines GameObjects within your Unity project. It inspects the components attached to each GameObject and detects if any of these components reference missing scripts. If a missing script reference is found, the check logs it as an issue, indicating that further investigation is needed.

When to Use This Check

  • Detect Missing Script References: Identify GameObjects that contain components with references to scripts that no longer exist in your project.
  • Prevent Runtime Errors: Catch and resolve missing script references early to prevent runtime errors and unexpected behavior in your game.
  • Maintain Project Integrity: Ensure that your project remains free from unresolved script references, improving its overall quality.

How to fix errors like this

This happens when a script file has been deleted but is still referenced somewhere in your project. Try reverting some changes in your versioning system (like git) or recovering the script. A last resort would be to remove the script from the object in question, which is what the automatic fix does that’s offered by the system.

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